Room 4 Program

Foster A Love For Learning

Our Room 4 classroom is designed for students whose 5th birthday is past September 1st. This room is the last step in our program before your child graduates to elementary school. Within our Room 4 classroom, our dedicated teachers will instill a love for learning while building focus and worry ethic.

*Our Room 4 program has a few spots remaining!

Pushing Each Child To Their Full Potential

Our researched-based curriculum encourages early literacy and a strong foundation in math while pushing each child to their potential. Just as important as core academic skills is exposure and practice in the arts, sciences, and social studies. Lastly, our students learn to be a good friend, regulate their emotions, and communicate effectively with others.

Building A Strong Foundation

The primary goal is to set a strong foundation in each students' ability to learn so they step into kindergarten with confidence. Our program focuses on the following areas:

Phonics & Early Literacy

Number Sense

Comprehension Skills

Communication Skills

Creative Problem Solving

Focus & Stamina

Self & Emotional Regulation

Desk & Motor Skills

Handwriting & Writing Mechanics

We cover Bible verses every week, sing Bible songs, and say a prayer before each meal.

We develop an understanding for Christ’s love through weekly chapel and bible verses, daily bible songs and prayers. With these practices the children can learn the skills of storytelling, problem-solving, and grasp an understanding of God through his word. Our goal is to encourage a strong and loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

"Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9